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July Birthstone: Ruby

ruby july birthstone personality

She's a combination of wild adventure and the scent of blooming honeysuckle at sunset. 

Spices and dusty sweat, firelight and fireflies. 

She's music to your senses. 

The beat to your drum.

raw ruby july birthstone illustration

The Queen of July is the embodiment of ‘living in the moment’. She doesn’t regret, doesn’t feel sorry. Her fiery glow is said to help overcome doubts and paranoia. No wonder, ruby’s eccentric power lets you shine through the crowd. 

Ruby’s strength takes root in one of the highest mountain ranges in the world, the Himalayas. As two land masses collided, pressures that rippled through tectonic plates, transforming solid rock into the fiery gemstone we now call ruby. 

Most powerful at a full moon, the fiery glow of a ruby is said to help overcome exhaustion and lethargy. True to its rich hue, it’s said a ruby stirs the blood, stimulates circulation to amplify energy – this is the stone to get your chi  or prana flowing.


The Latin rubeus, meaning ‘red’. 

In Sanskrit, the ruby is called ratnaraj, meaning ‘king of precious stones’.

In that same vein (get it?), ruby heightens flow to your, ahem, nether regions, and is said to be an aphrodisiac. It lets you experience love in all its hot, sweaty forms, from wild sensuality to intimate communion. But don’t get it wrong, the ruby isn’t about one-night stands or summer flings, it’s a stone that intensifies passion in committed relationships – it ignites a soulful fire from kindling that has been collected over time, the kind that’s got a warm, safe slow-burning light. A light that has guided your way for years past, and for years to come.

It’s a you-and-me-always-and-forever kinda love. The kind where you can get your kink on and then crawl into bed and watch Netflix after. The good kind.

That’s why ruby is such a magnet for abundance. It’s steeped in the Earth’s greatest tough love lessons. She was born with the world’s highest mountains. And it’s overflowing with feminine energy. Everyone has a little ruby in their hearts. It’s time to set it free.


ruby birthstone of july

Birthstone for: July

Ruby zodiac sign: Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Ruby chakra:

  • The first chakra – the Root or Muladhara chakra.

    Root chakra is the foundational kinetic energy in the body. Since it’s the source of stamina, when your root chakra is out of balance, you’ll feel lethargic, easily distracted and unmotivated. And when you’re feeling strong in the roots, it’ll help you gain confidence and clarity in life. 

  • The third chakra – the Heart or the Anahata chakra.

    Ruby gives you the vitality to pursue your passion. A potent stone for big dreams, ruby can amplify whatever feelings occupy your heart, both the good and bad. That being said, always use it with caution when your heart feels untamed.

Who can use ruby in their lives:

  • July babes.

  • Your spouse of 15 years

  • The love of your life who also happens to be your best friend (lucky duckling!)

  • Your sister when she’s PMS-ing


  • Vitality

  • Courage

  • High energy

  • Leadership

  • Wealth

  • Generosity

  • Family

  • Commitment

  • Passion

Use for:

  • Shooing away nightmares

  • Activating your life force and mastering Jedi mind tricks

  • Clearing your focus to get motivated

  • Amplifying a degustation so you can appreciate the subtlest flavor profiles and taste the visceral warmth of pleasure bubbling through your veins

  • Getting over the seven-year itch

  • Sexy time 

  • Curbing the wrath of Aunt Flo

ruby birthstone jewelry


ruby birthstone of july origin map

Our rubies are responsibly sourced from:

Indonesia, Thailand, Madagascar, Sri Lanka


rough stones of ruby july birthstone

Tough Love level: 

7-9 Mohs scale of hardness with excellent toughness. You can use rubies as everyday gemstones, mounted in a prong setting. Store it in a separate ring box to keep it from scratching other gemstones. 

Common treatments: 

Heat treatments – rubies are often heat treated to enhance its color. Cheaper rubies may also be fracture-filled or dyed. Find more about common gemstone treatments here.

Cleaning, care, and caution: 

Untreated and heat-treated rubies are durable. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are generally safe for untreated or heat-treated rubies, but not for heavily included, lead glass filled or fracture filled rubies or star rubies. The safest way to clean rubies is with warm, soapy water. For natural cleaning, use our soap nut wash. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are generally safe for untreated or heat-treated rubies. But the safest way to clean rubies is with warm, soapy water. Avoid ultrasonic or steam cleaners at all cost. For natural cleaning, use our soap nut wash.

RUBY TYPES and shades

ruby july birthstone colour and types

There are two special types of ruby being traded. 

  • Star ruby exhibits asterism (a six-rayed-star light effect) because of the presence of rutile inclusions. The six-rayed-star will shimmer when moved. Star ruby usually has a smooth and rounded appearance.

  • Trapiche rubyis similar to star ruby, but with a fixed star and often cut and traded in slices.

ruby july birthstone colour shades

Ruby is a variety of the mineral corundum and a sister of sapphire. It comes in a shade of deep pink to blood red, with pigeon blood ruby commanding the highest price. What gives ruby its reddish tint is the presence of chromium.

All rubies will have a strong red color, but their overtone colors can range from purple to orange. 

  • Pigeon blood red ruby, also called Burma ruby, has a pure medium dark red color. Believed to be a sacred piece, owning it is akin to owning a piece of history.

  • Orange-red ruby has a delicious warm orange tone reminiscent of sunset. Often sold as sunset sold or Songea sapphire.

  • Purple-red ruby has a femme fatale charm with its fuschia tone.

  • Brown-red ruby is a toned-down version of the pigeon blood ruby. More mellow and less vivid.

  • Pink-red ruby is similar to pink sapphire. When the pink becomes too light, it's considered a pink sapphire and can fetch more value. 


ruby july birthstone colour and corundum family

Corundum is the second hardest natural mineral after diamonds, and is a very compact and dense stone. It comes in many shades of colors, of which the red variety is called ruby.


ruby birthstone of july gif