One of the things at Gardens of the Sun closest to my heart is our community. Our clients don’t just purchase items and then leave us forever. Many write back to tell me the story behind their jewelry.

To keep this ball of positivity rolling, I thought it’d be fun to share some of the exchanges with our clients, and their stories. They are after all, a welcome companion in our journey beyond jewelry.

I love how she's played around with stacking shapes using our Dainty Aquamarine Ring.  It's so fun seeing how people take my designs and incorporate their own style in how they would wear it. 

Sharon is a lecturer in Early Childhood Education who stumbled on one of dainty rings on Pinterest. She was drawn in by our values and efforts to make a difference. This was a really important thing for me to discover, as finding ‘our people’ is always something that makes my heart sing.

In her own words, “We are living in a capitalist driven world. A company that takes its time with inspirational words, careful packaging and thought for the customer who makes the purchase is rare! I also like how you link each piece of jewelry to the person. So the jewelry lets the person know why they need that particular item. All of the pieces call out to you in very individual ways. That takes time and effort, and shows you care about what you are doing.”

Sharon loves to stack rings and finds a connection with the gemstones used in our jewelry.  

Sharon is a PhD candidate on the last leg of her research. I’m cheering her on from afar, and I’d like to invite you to send her some good vibes so that she can soldier on. The pursuit of knowledge is not an easy one to undertake!  

I first heard from Elizabeth in 2017 – she tells me she still has the first email she sent me! And that just makes me go, ‘wow’. That was around the time Gardens of the Sun was still a teeny, tiny baby, and I was still only selling on Etsy. 

Elizabeth is a designer and for her, color holds messages. Elizabeth considers it another form of communication.

"Every stone speaks to me. Things that I need to do or look out for. A mark. Stone colors and meaning become a part of my journey. The Keshi pearl stands for purity, getting rid of the clouds of the mind. It’s perfect for me! Last December I went to Bali and had the chance to meet Mangku Mastra (a Balinese healer) in Sidemen. I had a long conversation with him to learn more about Chakra and meditation. This year speaks about loving myself and letting go of the past. I’ve been meditating regularly since then.”

If you’ve followed our Instagram and been reading our newsletter, you’ll know that I’ve been on a similar journey too. Loving myself and letting go of the past is something that really resonated with me. 

I love how Elizabeth paired an oversized Keshi Pearl Ring with our blue diamond hidden gems ring.

Elizabeth adopted trees through WWF to plant trees in Buleleng, Bali, for her birthday. She also adopted a Croton tree in Kenya as a memento for her birthday and a 15th year anniversary celebration of her friendship with four other women. Such an encouraging sentiment!   

Our community shares many clients like Sharon and Elizabeth, like you. Your stories and words mean so, so, so very much to us. To our team, and to myself. The world can feel like an awfully big place, and the distance between us may at times feel overwhelmingly large - especially in times of lockdown. I believe in building connections, because human beings are social beings (yes, even for an introvert like myself!)

Trust me when I say, I always look forward to reading your emails.