You find yourself longing for the feel of sand beneath your toes in the depths of winter. Sometimes you’ll make the trip even when it’s too cold to swim because the sea calls you. Maybe you moved to the seaside to be closer to the soothing sound of waves crashing on the beach. Maybe climbing mountains just don’t hold as much appeal as deep diving, the water holding you close in its gentle embrace.

Believe me, I understand.

I was walking along the beach for my lunch break when it occurred to me that the Kornerupine ring I was wearing twinkled like the sea I was staring at. Its my favorite ring to wear when I travel, because I feel like it connects me to our closest beach in Bali.

I figured I’d share with you my favorite stones that remind me of the sea, from one beach lover to another!



Shop a gorgeous Mermaid Kornerupine Ring here, or head here for my favorite Custom Gold Kornerupine Ring!

Kornerupine comes in what I like to call mermaid shades. Dreamy ocean colors of blues, greens, and greys. And like the ocean, you can see different shades when the light hits the gem in different ways. Kornerupine can come from Myanmar, Canada, Kenya, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, and South Africa.


    Kornerupine was named in honor of a Danish geologist, Andreas Nikolaus Kornerup. Don’t you wish you had a gorgeous gem named after you too?



Find our delicate Hexagon Green Amethyst Ring.

Common names for prasiolites are green amethyst or green quartz, because they – you guessed it! – come in shades of green. It’s quite a rare stone. Most prasiolites in the market today are available due to a combination of heat treatment and ionizing radiation. Natural prasiolites are translucent greens, while darker green ones are the result of treatment.


    Prasiolite quite literally means a ‘scallion green-colored stone’. It comes from the Greek prason which means ‘leek’ and lithos which means ‘stone.



Apatite is a mischievous trickster! Named from the Greek work apate which means ‘deceit’, apatite can be confused for other stones. Apatites are usually transparent or translucent, and are colored like a gently rolling sea under the glare of the midday sun. Vivid greens and blues that just takes you back to perfect seaside summers.


    The bones and teeth of most animals (humans included!) are pretty similar in chemical makeup with apatite! I say similar – bones and teeth are made of hydroxyapatite calcium phosphate, and phosphorus can also be found in apatites.