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April Birthstone: Diamond

diamond april birthstone personality traits

On a night made out of diamonds, you two packed your bags, 

slept under trees, sang on stage, cried into the moonlight.

Your voices, carried by the wind.

The rhythm of your words falling down from the sky onto your skin, 

into your heart, like stars.

You were swept away.

This life she brought, it was never going to be ordinary.

diamond april birthstone illustration

Diamonds make happiness a million times better. It’s a stone to bring forth the art of “more”. Whatever you feel inside, diamond amplifies it tenfold. 

You’ve probably heard the diamond is the hardest stone on earth. But did you know it also has the most brilliance? That’s what they call those endless mirroring facets. As with light, diamond mirrors energy around you and reflects it right back at you. It’s a tool of reflection. Like a book, or your best friend, or both. 


the Greek adámas, meaning ‘untamed’ or ‘unbreakable’.

 Oh yeah baby.


Diamonds weren’t always about brilliance. Ancient merchants knew its magical prowess: diamonds can only be conquered and cut by another diamond. Nothing else could beat the hardness of the diamond. A stone so magical and unfathomable, it was used to protect the wisdom of the highest priests and noblemen.

diamond birthstone of April in a velvet box
diamond april birthstone rings

As the industry grew, cutting diamonds to refine its brilliance became fashionable. Women of the 19th century wanted their own sparkle against candle-lit dinners, and so the age of brilliant cut diamonds began.


diamond april birthstone rings in gold

Birthstone for: April

Diamond zodiac sign: Aries (March 21, April 19), Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Diamond chakra:

  • The seventh chakra - the Crown or Sahasrara chakra

    Located on the head, the crown chakra brings your subconscious thoughts to the surface and helps you reconnect with your inner intuition and higher sense of purpose. Use diamond to clear up hazy thoughts and keep you level-headed. 

  • The third chakra - the Heart or the Anahata chakra. 

    Home of the deepest emotions and feelings. A balanced heart chakra will keep you from tripping over tangled emotions and having unnecessary flare ups.

How diamond fits into your life:

  • April babies.

  • Your partner on your 10th and 60th anniversary.

  • Or really, give to anyone at all.

  •  No one can say no to a diamond.


  • Imagination

  • Personal strength 

  • Energy amplification

  • Clarity 

  • Truth 

Use for:

  • Celebrating a love of any kind

  • When you're writing your memoir and need an imagination boost 

  • When you feel intimidated at parent-teacher meetings and need fortitude 

  • Channeling your inner Marilyn Monroe, dousing yourself with Champagne, naked, save for your bling

diamond april birthstone jewelry in silver


diamond april birthstone origin map

Our diamonds are ethically sourced from:

Canada, Australia, South Africa, Botswana, USA, Indonesia

Stay away from the ‘red lights’ and watch out for ‘yellow lights’ districts. That’s what our Sustainability team keeps telling us. 

Since diamonds may still fuel conflict, we’ve created a sourcing system where we assess which diamond origin we consider acceptable and which ones to avoid.

Countries like Angola and Zimbabwe are a few we mark ‘red’ because of forced labour, sexual and physical assault, and military involvement.


rough blue diamond april birthstone

Tough Love level: 

10 Mohs scale of hardness with good toughness - Diamond is pure carbon, just like your pencil. Even though graphite is extremely brittle and fragile, what gives diamond its hardness is the atomic arrangement. As the hardest material on earth, store diamonds in a separate box, away from other gemstones, to keep it from scratching your other rocks. Find out more about hardness vs toughness here.

Common treatments: 

Your diamond may have been treated. Laser drilling is used to remove inclusions in a diamond. Fracture filling may be used to hide white fractures, called feathers. Both treatments can improve a diamond’s clarity. Diamonds may also be irradiated to create or intensify fancy colors like blue diamonds. Find more about common gemstone treatments here

Cleaning, care, and caution: 

May be cleaned with ultrasonic or steam cleaner. Use warm, soapy water, preferably made from natural ingredients, like our eco friendly jewelry wash!


When you think of a diamond, you might think of a colorless stone. But diamonds come in so many colors! It all depends on the chemical impurities and structural defects. Colored diamonds are also called fancy colored diamonds, and often have more than a single hue. A red diamond rarely appears only red, and may be tinted with purplish or orange overtones. 

diamond april birthstone color
  • Salt and pepper diamondscontain a mix of black (pepper) and white (salt) and inclusions. In the industry’s past, salt and pepper diamonds were only used for industrial purposes. Now, brides-to-be drool over the fact no two stones are alike.  

  • Black diamonds are basically super included diamonds. It has black inclusions so intense, the entire stone appears dark.

  • Pink diamond are an exquisite, charming thing. No scientists can point out exactly why it has a pink shade, which gives it a mysterious edge. Pink diamonds are one of the rarest colors out there.

  • Blue diamonds can occur naturally, but are incredibly rare and come with a price tag. Most blue diamonds in the market nowadays are irradiated, which makes them more accessible and affordable. Radiation changes the color of diamonds to blue or green. You can find blue diamonds in a range of shade, from pale to vivid blue.

  • Red diamonds are the rarest color diamond. For 30 years between 1957-1987, GIA didn’t record a single mention of diamonds with ‘red’ color. Red diamonds are almost always vivid, even though they can have brownish or purplish overtones.

  • Green diamonds are a result of exposure to radioactivity and atomic radiation. It comes in a range of shades and oftentimes with secondary hues. Green diamonds may have been irradiated.

  • Yellow diamonds get their color from the presence of nitrogen. A yellowish hue in a colorless diamond is considered a negative quality, until its color reaches a certain level of vividness - a fancy color.

  • Lab grown diamonds are, as the name suggests, diamonds grown in a lab. They share the same chemical structure as natural diamonds and are a popular diamond alternative. 


diamond birthstone of April gif